Friday, November 13, 2009

I am filling my pond....?

I have already drained it, removed the lining, and put what hardcoare I could find in it, my plan is to fil in the rest with sand, then shomehow get some fabric to put over the gap and put shingle on the top - any ideas or tips on a better way to do this? also there are huge weeds poking throught the concreted bits iof the garden, and baby's breath everywhere, should I leave those or sort them?

I am filling my pond....?
I believe the last material before the liner should be sand. I would use pea shingle otherwise it may puncture with stony material and the weight of water. Kill unwanted plants and weeds with weedkiller containing glyphosate as it is very effective and kills the roots too.
Reply:before re-laying the liner make sure there is at least 50 mm of sharp sand or 100mm to be completely safe as a liner base.

get rid of the weeds first with a broad base weedkiller first and then if any persist use a specific killer on them then.

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