Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Newborn baby's breath?

what is the best way to care for my newborn son's stinky breath! he is 3 wks today, smells like sour milk, is this normal?

Newborn baby's breath?
Your son could be getting some reflux or possibly spitting up. It is very normal. If your baby cries when he spits up or cries when you burp him could be a sign of severe reflux in which case you will want to talk with the ped. about it. Do not give a newborn water without consent from doctor. I've grown used to the spit up smell (still don't enjoy it but can live with it). Good luck!
Reply:girl please. Enjoy the baby breathe while u can. I think it personally smells yummy. The onlly problem i have with my daughter is the milk film it leaves in her mouth. But I've noticed it's comin off by it self. No worries. Your baby is fine. Im sure it doesn't even smell sour either
Reply:Sure it's normal. All they take in is milk and some is bound to come back up. I doubt there is really anything you can do for it.
Reply:my doc told me to give about an ounce of water in a bottle b4 she goes to bed. But I just lived with it. When i smell that, she usually will spit up soon
Reply:You could lightly brush out the inside of his mouth %26amp; gums with a clean, wet washcloth.
Reply:i think thts probably normal as all he is drinking is milk....and thn spits it up....

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