Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dp you like baby's breath?

or do yu just consider a cheap flower thats used for filler....?

i like it....

i must always have baby's breath in my room...

Dp you like baby's breath?
No matter how much I know what it actually is, the name of that flower makes me picture a baby coughing in my face
Reply:It's ok.
Reply:There ok.
Reply:It is a nice garnish.
Reply:Yes I like Baby's Breath and I also like Bridal's Veil.

Reply:I always pay the extra $3 for it. I think it pulls together the flowers but alone, it sort of looks weird...but it's very pretty. to each his own right?
Reply:They are beautiful flowers. They remind me of lace.
Reply:I like it, my friend Rachel always keeps it in her room. I would, but I hate watering them and moving them when they die.

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